5G radiofrequency radiation is dangerous no matter how it is regulated | 5G射頻輻射不管怎麼監管都是危險的

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Those who use 5G communication tools like smart phones may want to take a note:  5G radiofrequency radiation is dangerous, according to a report published on Oct 18, 2022 on https://icbe-emf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ICBE-EMF-paper-12940_2022_900_OnlinePDF_Patched-1.pdf

The report reviews scientific works conducted in the past 25 years concludes that 5G radio-frequency radiation is dangerous to humans.  The standards set by governments and industrial organizations do not guarantee that use of 5G radio-frequency radiation is safe to humans.

According to the report, 5G radio-frequency radiation even when a person is exposed to a dose that is below the current standard can induce a wide range of injuries to human body through the formation of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, cardiovascular disease, cancer causing effects, sperm damage and neurological damage.  The 5G radiation can also increase risk of brain cancer and thyroid cancer as many studies have found.

Authors of the report say that the standards set by government agencies like FCC are based on a series of false assumptions and the limits set by the standards do not protect people exposed to this type of radio-frequency radiation.

Some facts to remember about the dangers from the exposure to 5G radiao frequency radiation are below cited from https://icbe-emf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/fact-sheet-221009-v2.pdf

  • Many questions need answers before we move forward with assurance that wireless technologies are safe for human health and the environment.
  • Radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposures are associated with a range of adverse health effects
    including cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, DNA damage, neurological effects, increased
    permeability of the blood brain barrier and sperm damage.
  • Since 20022 , multiple robust epidemiologic studies of cell phone radiation have found increased
    risks for brain tumors3 which are supported by evidence of carcinogenicity of the same cell types
    (glial cells and Schwann cells) from animal studies. 4,
  • Based on very limited research conducted 40 years ago (before most people had cell phones),
    the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the U.S., and the International Commission
    on Nonionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) for many other countries, determined in the 1990s
    and again in 2020 that there are no adverse health effects from RFR exposure below the Specific
    Absorption Rate (SAR) of 4 watts per kilogram (W/kg) for frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 6
    GHz. The assumed safe level is based on a behavioral effect observed in acute studies (up to 1
    hour) conducted with small numbers of rats and monkeys in the 1980s.6,7
    § The FCC and ICNIRP state that any biological effect observed at exposures above the putative 4
    W/kg threshold is due to tissue heating. 811 However, a large and growing number of peer
    reviewed experimental studies have found adverse biological and health effects at lower doses or
    for longer durations of exposure, demonstrating that an SAR of 4 W/kg is not a threshold for
    effects of RFR.12
  • The current RFR exposure limits do not consider potential synergistic effects that reflect modern
    day exposures to multiple environmental agents.
  • There is insufficient information on health effects of 5G radiation.
  • Neurological effects, some of which are acknowledged by ICNIRP and are currently being
    experienced by persons with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), are health effects that can
    be mitigated with radiationfree areas for hypersensitive individuals.

那些使用智能手機等 5G 通信工具的人可能需要注意:根據 2022 年 10 月 18 日在 https://icbe-emf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022 上發布的一份報告,5G 射頻輻射是危險的/10/ICBE-EMF-paper-12940_2022_900_OnlinePDF_Patched-1.pdf

該報告回顧了過去 25 年進行的科學工作,得出的結論是 5G 射頻輻射對人類是危險的。政府和行業組織製定的標準並不能保證使用 5G 射頻輻射對人類是安全的。

報告稱,5G射頻輻射即使人體暴露在低於現行標準的劑量下,也會通過形成活性氧、DNA損傷、心血管疾病、癌症等方式對人體造成廣泛的傷害。造成影響、精子損傷和神經損傷。許多研究發現,5G 輻射還會增加患腦癌和甲狀腺癌的風險。

該報告的作者說,像 FCC 這樣的政府機構制定的標準是基於一系列錯誤的假設,標准設定的限制並不能保護暴露於此類射頻輻射的人。

關於暴露於 5G 射頻輻射的危險,需要記住的一些事實

射頻輻射 (RFR) 暴露與一系列不良健康影響有關包括心肌病、致癌性、DNA 損傷、神經影響、增加
自 20022 年以來,多項強有力的手機輻射流行病學研究發現,腦腫瘤的風險3 由相同細胞類型的致癌性證據支持(神經膠質細胞和雪旺細胞)來自動物研究。 4、
根據 40 年前(在大多數人還沒有手機之前)進行的非常有限的研究,
美國聯邦通信委員會 (FCC) 和國際委員會
1990 年代確定的許多其他國家的非電離輻射防護 (ICNIRP)
並在 2020 年再次表明,低於特定標準的 RFR 暴露不會對健康產生不利影響
吸收率 (SAR) 為 4 瓦每千克 (W/kg),頻率範圍為 100 kHz 至 6
千兆赫。假定的安全水平基於在急性研究中觀察到的行為影響(最多 1
小時)在 1980 年代用少量大鼠和猴子進行。6,7
§ FCC 和 ICNIRP 聲明,在高於假定 4 的暴露下觀察到的任何生物效應
W/kg 閾值是由於組織加熱。 8-11 然而,越來越多的同行
暴露時間更長,證明 4 W/kg 的 SAR 不是
RFR.12 的影響
當前的 RFR 暴露限值不考慮反映現代的潛在協同效應
關於 5G 輻射對健康的影響的信息不足。
神經系統影響,其中一些已被 ICNIRP 承認,目前正在
電磁超敏反應 (EHS) 患者所經歷的健康影響

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