Casket manufacturer says orders for children’s caskets are flooding in | 棺材製造商表示,兒童棺材的訂單正在湧入

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Image: Casket manufacturer says orders for children’s caskets are flooding in

(Natural News) A Toronto-based casket manufacturer said the industry has changed dramatically over the last nine months with “small people” passing away in higher numbers than perhaps ever.

Mick Haddock said it is “noticeable in our industry” that children and babies are dying in much larger numbers ever since Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed. (Related: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration just authorized the jabs for tiny babies, which means even smaller caskets will now need to be ordered.)

“For the first time in over 30 years, we are receiving bulk orders for smaller-sized caskets,” he told the RAIR Foundation.


Mick Haddock 說,自從武漢冠狀病毒(COVID-19)“疫苗”在“曲速行動”下被釋放以來,兒童和嬰兒的死亡人數“在我們的行業中很明顯”。 (相關:美國食品和藥物管理局剛剛批准了針對小嬰兒的刺戳,這意味著現在需要訂購更小的棺材。)

“30 多年來,我們第一次收到了小尺寸棺材的批量訂單,”他告訴 RAIR 基金會。

Generally speaking, the casket industry is a stable industry. Death averages tend to be roughly the same year after year and there is rarely a surge, especially in Western countries. But not this year.

“Not only are all sales up, but in the past, for every five full-sized caskets we sold, we sold one youth size,” Haddock said. “Now, for every five, it’s two youth sized.”

一般來說,棺材行業是一個穩定的行業。 平均死亡率往往年復一年大致相同,很少出現激增,尤其是在西方國家。 但不是今年。

“不僅所有的銷售額都在上升,而且在過去,我們每賣出五個全尺寸棺材,我們就賣出一個青年尺寸,”阿道克說。 “現在,每五個,就是兩個年輕人。”

There was no uptick in “COVID” deaths until the jabs came along


Haddock said he and his colleagues had anticipated a major uptick in casket orders in early 2020 when governments and corporate-controlled media outlets were blasting COVID propaganda to the masses every waking second.

It turns out that deaths remained stable and normal until Donald Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. Then the casket orders really started to mount.

Haddock 說,他和他的同事曾預計到 2020 年初,當政府和企業控制的媒體機構每時每刻都在向群眾宣傳新冠病毒時,棺材訂單將大幅增加。

事實證明,在唐納德特朗普發起“曲速行動”之前,死亡人數一直保持穩定和正常。 然後棺材訂單真的開始增加了。


“It wasn’t until the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 that we saw sales increase,” Haddock noted – the first jabs to be released under Operation Warp Speed arrived on Dec. 11, 2020.

“We didn’t see any increase in sales before vaccines were introduced, and people started traveling again.”

“And I don’t want to blame it on the travel that’s been killing everybody because, in truth, most of these places around the world are still light on what travelers can do. Even accidental deaths are still limited.”

Amazingly, Haddock actually saw a 60 percent decrease in casket sales in 2020 before the jabs were introduced.

Haddock 指出:“直到 2020 年底和 2021 年初,我們才看到銷售額增長,”在經速行動下發布的第一批刺戳於 2020 年 12 月 11 日抵達。


“而且我不想把它歸咎於讓每個人都喪命的旅行,因為事實上,世界上大多數這些地方仍然對旅行者可以做的事情一無所知。 即使是意外死亡也仍然有限。”

令人驚訝的是,在引入刺戳之前,棺材銷量實際上在 2020 年下降了 60%。

“It was only once the vaccines were pushed to younger and younger demographics that we started seeing the uptick,” he said.

“It was just senior citizens and the very frail at first. Within two months of the approval of the vaccine for the 11- to 15-year-olds, we noticed more demand for smaller units.”

Compared to 2019 numbers, casket sales are currently between 30-40 percent higher than usual. Haddock called this increase “staggering,” noting that things really started to pick up in mid-2021 and have seen “measurable” growth since.

Even though Haddock really started to notice a problem once the child-sized casket orders started arriving in bulk, he warned that people of all ages are at risk from the deadly injections.

“It’s hard to deny. What can it be blamed on? What has changed? Why is the death rate exceeding that of before the vaccines?” he pondered during his RAIR interview.


“起初只是老年人和非常虛弱的人。 在批准用於 11 至 15 歲兒童的疫苗後的兩個月內,我們注意到對小型單位的需求增加。”

與 2019 年的數字相比,目前棺材銷量比平時高出 30-40%。 Haddock 稱這一增長“令人震驚”,並指出情況在 2021 年年中真正開始好轉,此後出現了“可衡量的”增長。


“很難否認。 它可以歸咎於什麼? 發生了什麼變化? 為什麼死亡率超過了疫苗之前的死亡率?” 他在 RAIR 採訪中思考。

Children aged six to 12 are supposed to be among the healthiest human beings, and yet they are now dropping like flies ever since the injections were authorized for their demographic.

“Now, these are the sizes we are selling,” Haddock bemoaned. “Children don’t just die. It doesn’t happen. Never in history.”

To hear this type of clarity from someone in the industry, especially in Canada, is rare. Haddock joined British funeral director John O’Looney, who also spoke out last fall about the issue, in becoming a whistleblower concerning the societal impact of the death jabs.

The latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at

6 到 12 歲的兒童被認為是最健康的人類之一,但自從他們的人口統計授權注射後,他們現在就像蒼蠅一樣下降。

“現在,這些是我們銷售的尺寸,”阿道克哀嘆道。 “孩子們不會死。 它不會發生。 歷史上從來沒有。”

從業內人士那裡聽到這種清晰的聲音,尤其是在加拿大,是很少見的。 Haddock 加入了英國葬禮總監約翰·奧魯尼(John O’Looney)的行列,後者也在去年秋天就這個問題發表了講話,成為了有關死亡刺戳的社會影響的舉報人。

有關中國病毒注射的最新消息可以在 找到。

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