Cancer Prevention Guidelines | 癌症预防指南

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Cancer Prevention Guidelines (Cancer Prevention)

This article belongs to JKZX. COM original

The impact of mammogram screening

Note that breast cancer X-ray screening is not a true prevention strategy. Because the cancer has already developed when it is diagnosed. Self-examination of the breast is more effective than screening mammography.

The impact of medical factors

There is no benefit in talking to the doctor too frequently. Going to the hospital is easy to catch infectious diseases (pathogens), medications/treatments have adverse effects, and medical errors can harm your body or kill you. Cancer is the No. 1 killer in the United States. Cancer is the No. 2 killer. Heart disease is the No. 2 killer. Drugs are the No. 3 killer. Doctors are the No. 4 killer.

Impact of diagnostic tools
X-ray insurance includes dental X-rays, CT scans can cause cancer, and biopsy can cause cancer metastasis (metastasis).

The impact of treatment

Hormone therapy (estrogens plus progesterone increases breast cancer, lung cancer, when the patient stops treatment, breast cancer may disappear, so-called spontaneous remission), radiation, chemotherapy, vaccination ( vaccination, (fever**) insulin therapy, vasectomy (prostate cancer), many drugs that damage the liver, Viagra increases the risk of liver cancer, and transplant ( Immunosuppression), the number of antibiotics used (immunodeficiency)

Obesity/diabetes (obesity/diabetes)

Some doctors say that obesity can cause cancer. It doesn’t have to be so. Obesity is a symptom that indicates a problem with a person’s diet and lifestyle. Because the growth of normal cells and cancer cells has something in common-angiogenesis, people who are at high risk of cancer. Therefore, foods that prevent cancer can also prevent obesity. Diabetes is associated with high-risk cancers such as liver cancer.

Radiation effects

As we all know, ionizing radiation can damage your body. There is no safe dose. How much radiation exposure can cause more or less damage, even if it does not necessarily cause clinically significant negative effects. Radiation can come from diagnostic tools such as CT scans, X-rays, mammograms, dental X-rays and extremely high dose treatments such as cancer radiotherapy.

Nuclear physician Dr. John Golfman said that 75% of breast cancers are related to exposure to medical radiation. The number of doctors in a region is related to cancer risk. The higher the density of doctors, the greater the risk of cancer. This shows that X-rays are related to cancer (because doctors use X-rays). Radiation is one of the two most certain risk factors that everyone recognizes. Another risk factor for breast cancer is hormone replacement therapy and hormone-based contraceptives used by postmenopausal women.

The impact of spreading diseases

HIV (immune deficiency), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HPV (breast cancer, cervical cancer), lung cancer, genitalia and head cancer and many other types of cancer . Helicobacter pylori (stomach cancer, gastric non-Hodgkin lymphoma), Epstein Barr virus can cause many diseases, including breast cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma (diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma), Burkitt’s lymphoma, gastric cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( nasopharyngeal carcinoma) and health conditions related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), such as hairy leukoplakia and central nervous system lymphomas. The virus can be spread through saliva and genital fluids.

Dental filling (dental filling) influence

Dental fillings can contain a large amount of mercury (mercury), which can cause harm to the body. It is best for cancer patients to have a good treatment effect, and it is best to clean the dental fillings.

Lifestyle and occupation

The impact of sleep/shift work (sleep and shift work)
Short sleep duration can increase the risk of breast cancer, melatonin, diet, and metabolism. The biological clock is damaged and repaired at night.

Air pollution

Smoking (radioactive particles, PAHs)/burning (PAHs, PAHs), solvents (benzene, leukemia), gases, fossil fuels, car exhaust, pesticides, indoor pollution (90% of childhood leukemias (pediatric) leukemia) occurred in the family’s room refurbishment, exposing children to high concentrations of benzene and formaldehyde).

Harm of drinking alcohol

Increase the risk of breast cancer and promote the development of breast cancer. Recognized carcinogens also increase the risk of head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, and colorectal cancer.

The influence of sexual relations

Sexually transmitted diseases, oral sex, frequency of sexual activity (high frequency and shorter life span). The frequency and age of sexual life are related to prostate cancer. It is important that frequent sexual contact can accelerate the degeneration process or the aging process. People get older and die sooner. An Indian has lived for 120 years. And he attributed his longevity to yoga, extensive diet and no sexual relations.

The influence of the electronic radio frequency field

Residential location close to high-voltage power lines, radio frequency radiation, radio waves, electronic equipment-wireless, radio, mobile phones can all increase the risk of cancer. That is why electrical engineers have a higher risk of leukemia. Radiation from electronic equipment or radio towers is related to melanoma, skin cancer, breast cancer and brain cancer.

Influence of reproductive history

Abortion-When pregnancy is terminated, immature breasts are affected by high levels of estrogen, and immature breast tissue is more susceptible to carcinogens, so abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.
Breastfeeding (nursing/breast feeding)-reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Having more children and early delivery reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Early puberty (early puberty) easy breast cancer-(long-term exposure to hormones),
A high-fat, high-protein diet promotes early puberty. Early adolescence means that menopause comes late. This means that those women need to be exposed to high levels of estrogen for a long time, which at that time increases the risk of breast cancer.
Hormone-based birth control pills-estrogen-based birth control pills or birth control pills are known to increase the risk of breast cancer.

The impact of occupational exposure (occupational exposure)

Pesticide applicators, indoor work (lack of sunlight), radioactive gas radon, and exposure to asbestos (lung cancer) can all increase the risk of cancer.

Effects of physical inactivity

Physical activity can help reduce hormone levels and increase body temperature, which can help reduce the risk of some cancers. Physical exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer and advanced prostate cancer. Physical exercise can also reduce the risk of obesity, which is related to many cancers, including esophageal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer in postmenopausal women, endometrial cancer, and kidney cancer. ) And Pancreatic cancer). Overweight and obesity are also associated with increased risk of gallbladder cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and aggressive prostate cancer.

The impact of common chemicals (household chemicals)

Antiperspirants, bras, household toxic chemicals, cosmetics, hair dyes, nail polish solvents, nanoparticles, mouthwash chemicals (Mouthwash) ) (Oral cancer) can increase the risk of cancer.

The impact of plastic

Both soft and hard plastics contain chemicals that can cause or promote breast cancer and other malignant tumors. Phthalates have weaker estrogenic properties, which are related to the early puberty of girls. The bisphenol A (BPA) in soft plastics can destroy abnormal breast development and increase the risk of breast cancer in later life.

Effects of regular fasting

Fasting can help prevent and treat various types of cancer. It helps reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1, thereby reducing cancer growth. Fasting can reduce tumor growth, proliferation, angiogenesis and inflammation.

Dietary factors

Anti-cancer food

High fiber (same when young), whole foods, legumes (various cancers, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), soy foods, fish/fish oil, animal and plant omega 3 fatty acids, green leafy vegetables, roots (carrots, celery root, beets) Roots and fruits, a series of foods to prevent the development of cancer, probiotics (metal poisoning, prevention of breast cancer), mushrooms (various cancers), flaxseed (oil), bitter gourd (colon cancer), raw garlic (lung cancer),

Cancer-promoting food

High protein diet (reduce the anti-cancer effect of vitamin A, increase IGF-1), genetically modified foods, fried foods (endometrium, ovaries), salted vegetables/fish, pickled vegetables, processed foods (trans fat, sugar, Artificial additives, lack of nutrients), various meats (heme iron, carcinogens, acid, saturated fat, protein, sialic acid, found in breast cancer, cancer risk, no saliva in chicken, fish and plants Acid), sugar (fructose, high fructose corn syrup breast cancer), certain oils (trans fats) (epithelial ovarian cancer, breast cancer),

How to cook

Choose oil: It is best not to use certain oils, such as corn oil, soybean oil, salad oil and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans fat), rapeseed oil, palm oil. It is possible to use oils that contain high monounsaturated fatty acids, some animal fats (saturated fats). But in any case, any fat should not be overused.

Cooking temperature/time

Under no circumstances should food be cooked at high temperatures for a long time. High temperature tends to produce the desired cooking flavor, but it destroys nutrients and produces toxic chemicals during the cooking process. In particular, high temperatures should not be used for cooking meat, such as frying and roasting. Cooked proteins are difficult to digest, and they tend to produce some carcinogens.

Cooking methods

Cook food as gently as possible to avoid the formation of carcinogens and retain nutrients. Use some spices when cooking meat (to avoid the formation of carcinogens), the best cooking method is not to cook, a vegetable/fruit mixture (mixed is better than a single vegetable-synergy)

Fasting regularly

Fasting can help prevent and treat various types of cancer. It helps reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1, thereby promoting the growth of cancer. Fasting can reduce tumor growth, proliferation, angiogenesis and inflammation.

When using a calorie-restricted diet, glucose uptake is up-regulated in normal cells, while glucose uptake is down-regulated in cancer cells. In a sense, this deprives cancer cells of energy and slows down or inhibits their growth. Dr. Thomas N Seyfried said fasting can also reduce the harm of cancer patients from chemotherapy. For cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, fasting may be important because excessive nutrients during treatment may turn cancer cells into drug-resistant stem cell-like cancer cells, which may be life-threatening. (Personal opinion. Research is needed to verify this guess.

Nutritional supplements

What to do to prevent cancer

Multivitamins (breast C), vitamin b17, B vitamin complex, fish oil (cut breast C DHA-liver cancer), omega 3 fatty acids (, liver, BC), vitamin C, curry leaves (breast cancer), vitamin D (link ) 17 types of cancer including breast cancer. Some studies have shown that adequate vitamin D can reduce the risk of breast cancer by more than 75%. Breast cancer patients with higher serum vitamin D are more likely to survive), curcumin (ovarian cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer), turmeric, selenium (aggressive prostate), isothiocyanate (breast), antioxidants (acute lymph) Cell leukemia), β-glucan

Herbal supplements

Dandelion root extract, resveratrol (ovary), mushroom preparation

What to avoid

Folic acid (prostate cancer (especially when using 5-fu), breast cancer), iron, copper, chromium 6, vitamin E, vitamin B12 (prostate cancer), artificial colors/sweeteners, nanoparticles

Mental Health

Be positive and be as happy as possible. The purpose of your life is to enjoy life. Happiness is the only criterion for measuring the quality of life. Happiness does not depend on money, but exists in your heart. Happy people are always happy. A miserable person is always unhappy. Happy people tend to live longer.

Overcome the stress

Life is not always that easy, you may experience emotional, social, physical or work stress from time to time: stressful events, divorce/separation, death of spouse and relatives, (hormonal and other mechanisms), abuse of boss or manager, and stress Related psychosocial factors increase the risk of breast cancer and increase the risk of death from the disease. Negative emotions such as worry, fear and depression are not good for survival.

Yoga, Qigong, breathing techniques

Talk to friends with positive attitudes and behaviors, and avoid people and things with negative emotions.


It is believed that genetic defects only cause 5 to 10% of cancer cases. Other risk factors can be modified.
In other words, if other risk factors can be controlled to avoid 90% of cancers.

Below is a list of the most important things to remember and practice.

1) Live a spiritual life, life is more than just eating, drinking and having fun. Let God be your Lord. Don’t worry, eliminate all psychological problems.
2) Don’t indulge yourself in food consumption and sexual relations.
3) Actively avoid venereal diseases and other infectious diseases.
4) Use a fresh vegan diet and plenty of vegetables. Avoid animal-derived foods, bad fats, processed and overcooked foods, moldy and rotten foods.
5) Avoid the use of chemicals and polluted air, water and food. Reject anything artificial.
6) Follow the laws of nature to fully sleep and be exposed to the sun.
7) Take important dietary supplements and functional foods, including multivitamins, vitamin D, vitamin C, curcumin, bitter gourd, anti-angiogenic foods, etc.
8) Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
9) Drink enough clean water and plenty of sea salt.

What should you do if you are diagnosed with cancer?

1. Talk to a friend who knows about cancer. If you don’t know much about this disease, please ask his or her opinion.
2. The first thing to do is to ask yourself what is wrong, think about everything, and understand why you get cancer. Take immediate action to get rid of these risk factors. This may be a bad mood, it may be exposed to some toxic chemicals, may it be a problem with your diet?
3. Obtain a second or third opinion from another hospital.
4. Don’t rush to receive any treatment. It takes a long time for cancer to develop to a clinically significant size; you don’t have to die as fast as you are told. Make an informed decision to choose the best treatment plan for your condition. Priority should be given to treatments that do not cause harm to the body.
5. Don’t be afraid. Because worrying will not help under any circumstances. Although no one likes to die, death is a part of our lives. Everyone has to die, the only difference is the age when a person dies. Be active and have faith.


癌症预防指南 (Cancer Prevention)


乳房检查(mammogram screening)的影响

注意乳腺癌乳房(breast cancer)X光检查筛查不是真正的预防策略。因为癌症在确诊时已经发展。乳房的自我检查比乳房X光检查筛查更有效。

跟医生来往太频繁没有好处。去医院容易染上传染病(病原体-pathogens),药物/治疗有不良影响,医疗错误可以伤害你的身体或杀死你。癌症在美国癌症(cancer))是头号杀手,心脏病(heart disease)是第二号杀手, 药物(drugs)是3号,医生(doctors)是第4号杀手。


X光射险包括牙科X射线,CT扫描可以致癌,活组织检查可以造成癌症转移 (metastasis)。


激素疗法(雌激素加孕激素升高乳腺癌(breast cancer),肺癌 (lung cancer),当患者停止治疗,乳腺癌可能消失,所谓的自发缓解(spontaneous remission)),放射,化疗,接种疫苗(vaccination),(发烧**)胰岛素治疗,输精管结扎术(vasectomy)(前列腺癌(prostate cancer)) ),许多伤害肝脏的药物,伟哥(Viagra)提高肝癌(liver cancer)风险,移植 (transplant)(免疫抑制),抗生素应用数量(免疫缺陷)

肥胖病/糖尿病 (obesity/diabetes)。

有些医生说肥胖会导致癌症。它不一定如此。肥胖是一种症状,表明一个人的饮食和生活方式出了问题。由于正常细胞和癌细胞的生长有共同之处 – 血管生成(angiogenesis),因此患癌症风险高的人群。因此,预防癌症的食物也可以预防肥胖。糖尿病与肝癌等高风险癌症有关。



核医师John Golfman博士表示,75%的乳腺癌跟暴露医疗辐射有关。一个地区的医生数量与癌症风险相关,医生密度越高,患癌的风险就越大。这表明X射线与癌症有关(因为医生使用X射线)。辐射(radiation)是每个人都认可的两个最确定的风险因素之一。乳腺癌的另一个风险因素是绝经后妇女使用的激素替代疗法(hormone replacement therapy)和基于激素的避孕药。


艾滋病毒(HIV)(免疫缺陷),乙型肝炎,丙型肝炎,HPV(乳腺癌,宫颈癌(cervical cancer)),肺癌,生殖器(genitalia)和头癌(head cancer)等许多其他类型的癌症。幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)(胃癌(stomach cancer),胃非霍奇金淋巴瘤(gastric non-Hodgkin lymphoma)),爱泼斯坦巴尔病毒(Epstein Barr virus)可引起多种疾病,包括乳腺癌,霍奇金淋巴瘤(弥漫性大B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤)(Hodgkin’s lymphoma (diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma)),伯基特淋巴瘤(Burkitt’s lymphoma),胃癌,鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma)以及与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)相关的健康状况,如毛茸茸白斑和中枢神经系统淋巴瘤(hairy leukoplakia and central nervous system lymphomas)。病毒可以通过唾液和生殖器液体传播。

牙科填料(dental filling)影响


生活方式和职业(lifestyle and occupation)

睡眠/轮班工作的影响 (sleep and shift work)


空气/身体污染的影响 (Air pollution)

吸烟(放射性粒子,多环芳烃)/燃烧(多环芳烃,多环芳烃),溶剂(苯,白血病),气体,化石燃料,汽车尾气,杀虫剂,室内污染(90%的儿童白血病(pediatric leukemia) 发生在家庭中他们的房间重新装修,让儿童接触到高浓度的苯(benzene)和甲醛(formaldehyde))。

饮酒(drinking alcohol)的害处

增加乳腺癌风险,促进乳腺癌的发展。公认的致癌物质也会增加头颈癌( head and neck cancer),食道癌(esophageal cancer),肝癌,结直肠癌(colorectal cancer)的风险。




住宅位置靠近高压电力线,射频辐射,无线电波,电子设备 – 无线,无线电,手机都可增加癌症风险。那就是电气工程师患白血病的风险更高德原因。电子设备或无线电塔的辐射与黑色素瘤(melanoma),皮肤癌(skin cancer),乳腺癌和脑癌(brain cancer)等有关。


堕胎 (abortion)- 当怀孕终止时,未成熟的乳房受到高水平雌激素的影响,而未成熟的乳房组织更容易受到致癌物质的影响,因此堕胎会增加患乳腺癌的风险。
母乳喂养(nursing/breast feeding) – 降低患乳腺癌的风险。
过早进入青春期 (early puberty)的容易的乳腺癌 – (长期接触激素),
基于激素的避孕药 – 已知基于雌激素的避孕药或避孕药会增加患乳腺癌的风险。

职业暴露的影响 (occupational exposure)



身体活动可以帮助降低激素水平,也可以提高体温,这些可以帮助降低一些癌症的风险。体育锻炼可降低患乳腺癌,结肠直肠癌,子宫内膜癌(endometrial cancer )和晚期前列腺癌的风险。体育锻炼还可以降低肥胖的风险,这与许多癌症有关,包括食道癌,结肠癌(colon cancer),直肠癌(rectal cancer),绝经后妇女的乳腺癌,子宫内膜癌,肾癌(kidney cancer)和胰腺癌 Pancreatic cancer)。超重和肥胖也与胆囊癌(gallbladder cancer),卵巢癌(ovarian cancer),宫颈癌,多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma),非霍奇金淋巴瘤和侵袭性前列腺癌的风险增加有关。

常见的化学品的影响 (household chemicals)

止汗剂(antiperspirants),胸罩(bra),家用有毒化学品(household toxic chemicals),化妆品(cosmetics),染发剂(hair dyes),指甲油溶剂,纳米材料 (nanoparticles),漱口水化学品(Mouthwash )(口腔癌 (oral cancer))都可增加癌症风险。









高蛋白饮食(减少维生素A的抗癌作用,增加IGF-1),转基因食品,油炸食品(子宫内膜,卵巢),盐渍蔬菜/鱼,腌渍蔬菜,加工食品(反式脂肪,糖,人工添加剂,缺乏营养素) ),各种肉类(血红素铁,致癌物质,酸,饱和脂肪,蛋白质,唾液酸,在乳腺癌中发现,患癌风险,鸡肉和鱼类和植物中不存在唾液酸),糖(果糖,高果糖玉米糖浆乳腺癌),某些油脂(反式脂肪)(上皮性卵巢癌,乳腺癌),






尽可能轻轻地烹调食物,以避免形成致癌物质和保留营养。烹饪肉类时使用一些香料(避免形成致癌物质),最好的烹饪方法是不要煮,蔬菜/水果的混合物(混合比单一蔬菜更好 – 协同作用)



当使用限制卡路里的饮食时,葡萄糖摄取在正常细胞中上调,而葡萄糖摄取在癌细胞中下调。这在某种意义上是剥夺了癌细胞的能量并减缓或抑制其生长。 Thomas N Seyfried博士说禁食还可以降低癌症患者受化疗的伤害。对于正在接受化疗治疗的癌症患者来说,实施禁食可能很重要,因为在治疗过程中过多的营养素可能会使癌细胞变成耐药的干细胞样癌细胞,这可能危及生命。 (个人意见。需要进行研究以验证这种猜测。



多种维生素(乳房C),维生素b17,B维生素复合物,鱼油(切乳腺C DHA-肝癌),欧米茄3脂肪酸(,肝脏,BC),维生素C,咖喱叶(乳腺癌),维生素D(链接)包括乳腺癌在内的17种类型的癌症。一些研究表明,维生素D充足可以将乳腺癌风险降低75%以上。血清维生素D较高的乳腺癌患者更容易存活),姜黄素(卵巢癌,肺癌,乳腺癌) ),姜黄,硒(侵略性前列腺),异硫氰酸酯(乳腺),抗氧化剂(急性淋巴细胞白血病),β-葡聚糖

















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