Category: 雜類-misc

MN Board of Medical Practice Requesting Files of Patients Prescribed Ivermectin: Doctor | MN 醫療實踐委員會要求開具伊維菌素處方的患者文件:醫生   A Minnesota family physician who is being investigated for the fifth time in the past 17 months by the state medical board …

Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use” | 康涅狄格州發佈Moderna COVID Vax成分:致命毒藥”SM-102 – 不適用於人類或獸醫用途” Vaccine makers are hiding ingredients from the public.  Connecticut incidentally exposed the ingredient list (may not be complete, but something surprising.) …