Dr. Richard Bartlett On the COVID-19 Therapy That Produces a 0% Fatality Rate | 理查德·巴特利特 (Richard Bartlett) 醫生談導致 0% 死亡率的 COVID-19 療法

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Dr. Richard Barlertt – a West Texas emergency care doctor may be the first doctor to use an anti-asthma steroid budesonide to treat covid 19 patients. The treatment is initiated in the early stage of the infection and due to its efficacy and timing of the treatment, no patient regardless of their health status died.  Patients recover in three or four days.

理查德·巴勒特 (Richard Barlertt) 博士 – 西德克薩斯州的一名急診醫生可能是第一位使用抗哮喘類固醇布地奈德治療新冠肺炎 19 名患者的醫生。 治療在感染的早期開始,由於其療效和治療時機,無論健康狀況如何,都沒有患者死亡。患者在三四天內康復。

Dr. Barlertt cited a case who suffered with two lymphomas and just before he contracted Sars Cov 2, he underwent a round of radiation treatment. Cancer patients have notoriously poor immunity so they are at high risk.  The doctor treated him for three days, the patient recovered from covid 19 and went to work for eight hours a day on day 4.

Budesonide he used is generic and is delivered through an inhaler or nebulizer- the typical device used by asthma patients. But the doctor also used zinc and maybe other supplements or medications.

cbs7.com asked local health authorities about Dr. Barlertt’s claims and they were cited as saying as follows:

“When we go look at a study,” Odessa Regional Medical Center Chief Medical Officer Rohith Saravanan said, “If they say ‘oh five cases, all solved. Magic pill. Silver bullet’, well that’s not how science works. You take thousands and thousands of patients across multiple countries, multiple sites, you blind them, you control certain people, certain treatments. And then you compare the groups. It’s not that he’s doing something wrong. He’s sharing what he found could be useful to the scientific community.”

So these health authorities are talking about “real” science. But why didn’t they  find fault with covid 19 vaccines which only got tested in a small number of  people in a few months?  So the covid 19 vaccines are not products of science?

Watch the video to see what Dr. Barlertt has to say about his treatment with budesonide.

There are many treatments patients can use to treat covid 19. But the best thing to do is prevent. For that, in addition to budesonide, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, high doses of zinc with quercetin/EGCG, high doses or vitamin C and vitamin D, and resveratrol, when used together, the chance for a person to get infected with sars cov 2 can be zero. In some countries like Africa where people use ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or other antimalarial drugs, it is rare for people to get covid 19.

患者可以使用多種治療方法來治療 covid 19。但最好的方法是預防。 為此,除了布地奈德、霧化過氧化氫、伊維菌素、羥氯喹、高劑量鋅和槲皮素/EGCG、高劑量或維生素 C 和維生素 D 以及白藜蘆醇,當一起使用時,一個人感染的機會 sars cov 2 可以為零。 在非洲等一些國家,人們使用伊維菌素或羥氯喹或其他抗瘧藥,很少有人感染 Covid 19。

Also at the beginning of the infection, patients can minimize the viral damage when they fast or stop eating anything. Scientific reports have suggested that fasting can not only boost the immunity, but also cut off the energy supply and nitrogen compounds the virus needs to replicate itself.

同樣在感染開始時,患者可以通過禁食或停止進食任何東西來最大程度地減少病毒損傷。 科學報告表明,禁食不僅可以增強免疫力,還可以切斷病毒自我複制所需的能量供應和氮化合物。

Dr Barlertt deserves praise as he found Budesonide effective at treating covid 19 in its early stage.  Studies have also confirmed Dr. Barlertt’s clinical experience.  A study published on thelance.com found that early treatment with nebulized budesonide effective in treating covid 19.  Another trial conducted in UK also echo similar observations.  Still in another study patients at risk recovered from covid 19 on average three days sooner.

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