Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares? | Wi-Fi – 正在醞釀中的沙利度胺。 誰在乎?

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Page 10

since the transmitter for Wi-fi was put near her and others’ desk ”
ii) “…..my child is one of several with cancer / birth genetic problems. These only started after the transmitter was turned on. My worries are two-fold and take every second of my life. Will my child ever marry or find a partner and be happy? What will happen when I die? I know I will die worrying. Regardless of who is to blame, it is me, the Mother who carries guilt and responsibility ” (20)

I Ask for Readers’ Help, Please.

Imagine 57.7% of all of the schoolgirls with Wi-fi in their classrooms: all day – all year – all through their school career, in every country using it, in the World!

In just two generations we could have more dead / sick infants than resulted from both World Wars. And, these are not my figures, they come from Government advisors / research.

Advanced requests for this ‘Paper’ have been received from Royalty, Governmental Officers (outside of the UK) and people I will describe as ‘interesting’.

As shutters fall blocking every direction I try to turn, I ask: “Can the Reader succeed in preventing this ‘Pandemic’ where I will fail?”

I have two requests:

i) Would a Royal or Leading Governmental Official please ask the British Prime Minister, face to face, why he told my MP, Mr Stride, that he is ‘too busy’ to see me for just one hour to discuss this issue.
ii) If every Reader sends just two copies of this Paper to people who may be able make a decision (preferably influential women); with mathematical progression – the original 100 advanced requests will soon land on a desk of somebody who can make a difference.

International Challenge

When I am invited to speak in countries, I invariably end up on the radio / TV news / documentary channels. Thence, I issue a challenge:

I ask for any scientist(s) from industry / government to ‘humiliate’ me live ‘on-air’ with their expert knowledge by answering one question:

“What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles during the first 100 days development of the embryo?”

$$$ If you are interested in a writer or editor position, check out here.We are hiring. $$$


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