Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares? | Wi-Fi – 正在醞釀中的沙利度胺。 誰在乎?

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During the ‘Cold War’ conflict, whilst I was collating effects from microwave pulses / modulations caused by brain entrainment, resonance (both cyclotronic and circadian), rectification (at boundaries within the body) generated by electrically induced phase transition; it came to my attention that a list needed to be published for all microwave communication systems. (16)
In this Open Letter, I list 1 to 40 Hz (pulses / modulations per second) and their corresponding neurological / physiological response.
In his most explanatorily descriptive paper, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy writes…..
‘…..For example, Grigoriev et. Al. (2010) showed that 30 days exposure to unmodulated 2450 MHz microwave radiation triggered a small but significant increase in anti-brain antibodies in the blood of rats…..which could then result in an auto immune attack on the brain and / or nervous system. An example of an auto immune disease of the brain is Graves disease in which the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) is affected.’ (17)
NB. 2450 M Hz is the wi-fi frequency.
If you add the pulse / modulation frequency to the above; fatigue, depression, psychiatric problems (such as anger), loss of appetite and problems with movement can also be induced.
The Bad Guys
With gargantuan profits to be made, it is of no surprise that the English Parliamentary system choose to follow ICNIRP and their well established ‘Active Denial’ policy.
I became familiar with our ‘corruption’ when during the late 60’s – 70’s, I was commissioned to investigate (under a programme initiated by Sir William Melvin (1911)) corruption within the hierarchy of the London Metropolitan Police and the non-elected Members of the English Parliament. Should the Reader be dismissive of such actions, I suggest looking at any of our Sunday newspapers over the past 45 years, including now.
When a Reverend lady wrote to a Minister, Nick Gibb MP, concerning Wi-fi in schools, his standard reply (which I have seen many times) stated:
“…..advice given…..by UK Health Protection Agency….. ‘There is no consistent evidence of health effects from RF exposures below guideline levels and no reason why schools and others should not use Wi-fi equipment.” (18)

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