Got rheumatoid arthritis? Eat your vegan diet! 得了类风湿性关节炎?吃纯素饮食!

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Got rheumatoid arthritis?  Eat your vegan diet!

A study published in 2014 suggests that people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis eating a vegan diet for one month improved their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

For the study, a group of 24 patients aged on average at 56 year old followed a vegan diet with about 10% fat for four weeks and then a rheumatologist examined the patients for their symptoms.  And some biochemical measures were also collected.

The vegan diet decreased patients’ intake of fat, protein, and energy by 69%, 24% and 22% respectively while raising their intake of carbohydrate by 55%.  All symptoms except for the duration of morning stiffness dropped significantly.

At four weeks, C – reactive protein, which indicates the degree of inflammation, was down by 16% and rheumatoid arthritis factors also was reduced by 10%.

The study suggests that eating a vegan diet can help patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.

Vegan diet does not include any foods derived from animals.  It should be noted that not all vegan diets are the same.   Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should eat a diet that comes with a large amount of green leafy vegetables.

Effects of a Very Low-Fat, Vegan Diet in Subjects with Rheumatoid Arthritis  John McDougall, Bonnie Bruce, Gene Spiller, John Westerdahl, Mary McDougall  Published Online:5 Jul 2004

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