SHOCKER: True history and corruption of processed vegetable oils  | 震驚:加工植物油的真實歷史和腐敗

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Comment: Irregardless of what is said in the article, it is undeniably unnatural to use isolated vegetable oils to cook or prepare meals.  Many vegetable oils are full of omega 6 fatty acids which promote chronic inflammation.  Potential chemical pollution is another concern.  Oils tend to trap oily toxic chemicals.  Generally speaking,  olive oil and coconut oil may be safer to eat if you want to add some oil into your diet.

評論:不管關於文章中所說的,不可否認,使用分離的植物油做飯或準備飯菜是不自然的。 許多植物油都富含促進慢性炎症的歐米茄 6 脂肪酸。 潛在的化學污染是另一個問題。 油往往會捕獲油性有毒化學物質。一般來說,如果您想在飲食中添加一些油,食用橄欖油和椰子油可能更安全。

SHOCKER: True history and corruption of processed vegetable oils

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(Natural News) Around the turn of the 20th century, Americans began switching from consuming animal fats to using processed vegetable oils, thanks to the machinery of the industrial revolution. Cottonseed oil was used to run agricultural machines before fossil fuels were discovered. Around that time, Procter and Gamble (P&G) figured out the hydrogenation process, a way to use the cotton seeds for food. Cottonseed oil also became a key ingredient for P&G’s formula for their soap industry, because it was cheaper than coconut oil and palm oil. The coagulated oil looked just like lard, so P&G marketed it as “Crisco.” It was said to be “digestible.” Who knew? Free cookbooks using Crisco as the base oil were handed out across the nation, and moms everywhere took the bait – hook, line and sinker.

大約在 20 世紀之交,由於工業革命的機器,美國人開始從食用動物脂肪轉向使用加工過的植物油。 在發現化石燃料之前,棉籽油被用於驅動農業機器。 大約在那個時候,寶潔公司 (P&G) 想出了加氫工藝,這是一種將棉籽用作食物的方法。 棉籽油也成為寶潔肥皂行業配方的關鍵成分,因為它比椰子油和棕櫚油便宜。 凝固的油看起來就像豬油,所以寶潔將其稱為“Crisco”。 據說它是“易消化的”。 誰知道? 使用 Crisco 作為基礎油的免費食譜在全國分發,各地的媽媽都上鉤了——鉤子、線和墜子。

Seed oils: Margarine and Crisco marked the beginning of the poly-unsaturated fat wave and the rise of heart disease in America

種子油:人造黃油和 Crisco 標誌著美國多不飽和脂肪浪潮的開始和心髒病的興起

Today, most seed oils are GMO. That means they have weed-killer residue on them, also known as glyphosate. Glyphosate is a known carcinogen and has been linked to cancer and kidney failure in tested lab animals. These oils are cooked at high heat, which leads to oxidation. Oxidation damages vital molecules in human cells, including proteins and DNA. This leads to cell malfunction (cancer) and cell death.

今天,大多數種子油都是轉基因的。 這意味著它們身上有除草劑殘留物,也稱為草甘膦。 草甘膦是一種已知的致癌物,與受試動物的癌症和腎功能衰竭有關。 這些油在高溫下煮熟,會導致氧化。 氧化會破壞人體細胞中的重要分子,包括蛋白質和 DNA。 這會導致細胞功能障礙(癌症)和細胞死亡。

The seed oils are then processed using deadly chemicals like hexane, a vapor constituent of gasoline and crude oil. More chemicals are used to eliminate rancid odors and to give them a clear color (deceptively healthy look).

然後使用致命的化學物質如己烷(汽油和原油的蒸氣成分)加工種子油。 更多的化學物質被用來消除腐臭的氣味並賦予它們清晰的顏色(看似健康的外觀)。


Heart disease in the early 1900s was barely existent. Then came the popularity of these processed seed oils. By the mid-1900s, P&G literally paid the American Heart Association (AHA) $1.5 million to promote Crisco as a “healthy alternative” to animal fat, the same way that Big Tobacco paid the American Medical Association (AMA) to promote cigarettes as healthy for digestion (and recommended by thousands of doctors).

1900 年代初期的心髒病幾乎不存在。 然後是這些加工過的種子油的流行。 到 1900 年代中期,寶潔向美國心臟協會 (AHA) 支付了 150 萬美元,以宣傳 Crisco 作為動物脂肪的“健康替代品”,就像大煙草公司向美國醫學協會 (AMA) 宣傳捲菸是健康的一樣 用於消化(並被成千上萬的醫生推薦)。

Degenerative heart disease caused by seed oils took decades to even scratch the surface of science and consumer awareness


Heavily processed industrial “food stuff” oils were marketed as “healthy” even into the late 1960s, when scientists and the AHA had already figured out they were horrible for the heart and blood. Low-quality, poly-unsaturated oils are found in almost every processed food item in America. It’s no wonder obesity, dementia, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are so prominent here. Check your chips, cookies, bread, baked goods, salad dressings and mayonnaise, for starters. It’s almost impossible to order food at a restaurant and avoid these deadly oils.

直到 1960 年代後期,經過重度加工的工業“食品”油仍被標榜為“健康”,當時科學家和美國心臟協會已經發現它們對心臟和血液有害。 美國幾乎所有加工食品中都含有低質量的多不飽和油。 難怪肥胖、癡呆、心髒病、糖尿病和癌症在這裡如此突出。 檢查你的薯條、餅乾、麵包、烘焙食品、沙拉醬和蛋黃醬,作為開胃菜。 幾乎不可能在餐館點餐並避免這些致命的油。

Fryers at restaurants get clogged up when seed oils cool and coagulate. Imagine what’s happening inside your blood vessels. They become polymerized, like the drain pipes at restaurants. The FDA joined in the corruption, calling these oils “generally recognized as safe” (GRAF) for decades, all the way until about 10 years ago, meaning the FDA has recommended that Americans consume UNSAFE food stuff for decades.

當種子油冷卻和凝結時,餐館的油炸鍋會被堵塞。 想像一下你的血管內發生了什麼。 它們會聚合,就像餐館的排水管一樣。 FDA 加入了腐敗行列,幾十年來一直稱這些油“普遍認為是安全的”(GRAF),直到大約 10 年前,這意味著 FDA 幾十年來一直建議美國人食用不安全的食品。

Avoid corn oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil whenever possible


Choose olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil instead of the FDA-recommended death trap oils. Since olive, coconut and avocado oils don’t need all that industrial processing and chemicals to process, they don’t do the chronic damage to your system, like the others. Simply choose a saturated fat or animal fat for cooking food instead.

選擇橄欖油、椰子油和鱷梨油,而不是 FDA 推薦的死亡陷阱油。 由於橄欖油、椰子油和鱷梨油不需要所有工業加工和化學品來加工,它們不會像其他油那樣對您的系統造成慢性損害。 只需選擇飽和脂肪或動物脂肪來烹飪食物即可。

Americans who take the advice of our regulatory agencies are the sickest people in the world. These are folks who get heart disease in their 40s and 50s and need triple-bypass surgery just to continue living. People who get cancer tumors and polyps in their colon can’t seem to figure out why, and their medical doctors blame their genetics and “hereditary” lineage. It’s absurd.

聽取我們監管機構建議的美國人是世界上病情最嚴重的人。 這些人在 40 多歲和 50 多歲時患上心髒病,需要三次搭橋手術才能繼續生活。 在結腸中患上癌症腫瘤和息肉的人似乎無法弄清楚原因,他們的醫生將責任歸咎於他們的遺傳和“遺傳”血統。 這很荒謬。

Until medical doctors begin giving proper advice to their patients about avoiding processed seed oils like the plague, Americans will continue to suffer at the hands of the Big Food Oil industry. Canola oil is the absolute worst of them all. Canola oil is made from rapeseed oil and was used to kill bugs before it was made into “food stuff.” Canola oil is Canada’s biggest export, and they barely eat it themselves!

在醫生開始就避免像瘟疫那樣加工種子油向他們的患者提供適當的建議之前,美國人將繼續在大型食用油行業的手中受苦。 菜籽油絕對是其中最差的。 菜籽油由菜籽油製成,在製成“食品”之前用於殺死蟲子。 菜籽油是加拿大最大的出口產品,他們自己幾乎不吃!

Most of the advice coming from the AHA, AMA, CDC and FDA is based on corrupt science, buried science, warped science and outright lies. Sure, America is a great country because we have the freedom to choose what we speak, print and eat, so make wise choices, and read the labels on everything you eat, drink, put on your body and use to clean your home and/or office. Become the smartest consumer you know, and you can avoid all those preventable diseases suffered by two-third’s of our country’s consumers.

來自 AHA、AMA、CDC 和 FDA 的大多數建議都是基於腐敗的科學、隱藏的科學、扭曲的科學和徹頭徹尾的謊言。 當然,美國是一個偉大的國家,因為我們可以自由選擇我們所說的、印刷的和吃的東西,所以做出明智的選擇,並閱讀你吃、喝、穿在身上和用來打掃家里和// 或辦公室。 成為你認識的最聰明的消費者,你就可以避免我們國家三分之二的消費者遭受的所有這些可預防的疾病。

Tune your truth news internet connection to for updates on skyrocketing prices for oils you shouldn’t even be consuming anyway.

將您的真實新聞互聯網連接調整到 以獲取有關您甚至不應該消費的油的飛漲價格的最新信息。

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